Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Benefits of a successful internet presence for real estate agent. Class#1: "Plan your Internet Presence" Slide#2

Benefits of a successful internet presence for real estate agent. Class#1: "Plan your Internet Presence" Slide#2

I was wondering if I could get your insight on this matter...I am preparing a few classes to help real estate agents in the office to plan and start their own internet presence. Nothing too technical, mostly going around basic principles, ideas and strategies.
This specific slide is about the benefits of a successful internet presence for real estate agents. I am going to start with from my experience what I consider to be one of the smallest benefits but still a subsequent benefit from a well planned internet presence:- Adding value to our existing sphere (by providing various canned reports such as school reports, city or community reports, direct access to local MLS...).

So, what about you, what do you consider to be the main benefits from your internet presence?

Rom Chaudemanche Plan your Internet Presence

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